Saturday, April 1, 2017

My Technology Lesson Plan: QR Code Scavenger Hunt

So let's talk Lesson Plans...again.

Have you ever had the deadline close in on you and you are about to leave work and wonder where the time has gone?

Yes, me too.

So what is a Teacher to do?

There are a few options,

  • Prepare the Lesson plans in advance.  It does take forethought and organization. With some practice, it will get easier.
  • Use a Lesson Plan from last year (It's the same material right?  You're the same teacher.  Sometimes that works and sometimes
    the class is too different to repeat what you did last year.
    I have noticed each group of students have their own vibe.  It's almost like the class as a whole has their own personality. Which means, sometimes an old Lesson plan won't be as effective as something geared towards the students in your class.
  • Borrow a template from the web and hope you can tweak it.
  • Make 6 week Lesson Plans.
    That doesn't work for all
    ages, but honestly you are going get into a routine and the
    Lesson Plans will stay similar for certain times of the year.

When I do Lesson Plans, I try to make them for 6 weeks at a time.  My boss went to a conference and said they were told the kids learn better in 6 week incriminates.  Hey, I am in Preschool.  It makes since, so I have tried out that theory several times and it works.  I feel happier we don't have to reinvent the wheel every week and I get to watch as the information sinks in and the children add their own creative spin on it.  Children always have something to say given the opportunity.

Our Goal in my Classroom is at the end of the school year the children will mostly be able to:

  1. Recite Address, Phone Number, Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Parents Name, and Birthday. 
  2. Recognize Most of Upper and Lower Case Letters in the Alphabet, and know their sounds. 
  3. Recognize Numbers 0-20 
  4. Develop Sharing Skills
  5. Be able to read words bat, cat, rat, mat, and sat.
  6. Start sounding out simple words.
  7. Open their own snack including Juice and packaged items.  
  8. Be able to express needs verbally, such as I need....
These can be achieved in a multitude of ways.  My Preschool focuses on Social-Emotional, Language, Cognitive, and Physical Development.  In our lesson plans, my co-teacher and I try to include all four types of learning as often as we can.  

Example: A child is working with a friend to write their letters.  
  • Social-Emotional:  Working with a friend 
  • Language:  Using words to communicate while doing the project as well as the written Language
  • Cognitive:  Thinking through what needs to be done and remembering letters in order to complete the task at hand
  • Physical Development:  Using fine motor skills to hold the pencil/marker/crayon and use it properly
Here is a copy of my 
QR Code Scavenger Hunt
Lesson Plan

QR Scavenger Hunt by Anonymous o1N5OI4 on Scribd

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