Tuesday, April 18, 2017

My Perspective on using Educational Technology in My Classroom

As most of you know.  I am a preschool teacher of four and five year olds.  We have one computer in the room that we let the children on.  We have a teacher computer that the children do no touch.  We let the children work in groups of two on the computer playing on www.starfall.com

Since I have learned how to make QR codes, the children in my class have learned a great deal about QR codes.  They have enjoyed going around the room scanning codes with an old android phone.  Our preschool is part of the STEM school.  We have a teacher come in and teach Robotics.  The kids have been learning about what a Robot is, what it does, and all about algorithms.  We have Keebo's that the children have been using.  They scan the blocks and let the Robot go to work.

We watch movies in our classroom daily, sometimes while we wait on lunch, other times we are waiting for the Robotics teacher.  It is wonderful in transition times as we wait on another individual.  I would love to have a computer for every child in the room, but financially that is unrealistic.  With my age group, sometimes parents do not feel comfortable with their young child using their computer.  Other parents give their child tablets and old cellphones. 

As far as something I can do in the classroom now, with the limited funds we have, I would like to order a new computer mouse where one side is green and the other is red, so I could explain left and right click better to the children.  

We use technology at least three hours everyday, sometimes more.  We also use the computer to watch videos on YouTube about our current theme.  We have watched videos on the life cycle of a butterfly, letter videos, and Graduation songs.       

Sometimes children in our class bring in leap pads.  One year one of the girls put on buzz buzz and the class danced to it for an hour or two.

The children that bring in their Leap Pads are willing to share with their friends.  

The biggest challenge in using technology in the classroom is other adults.  One year, I had a child who listened well on the computer.  I taught him how to push the space bar and the PowerPoint slide went to the next one.  I was able to present during chapel and he was able to participate in chapel.  He did a great job and listened great.  Another adult walked by and declared he was unfit to help. because he was 5 years old.  It didn't matter that I could see him, that he did a great job, it mattered that another adult who happened to have a more prestigious job in the building dictated that his age made him unsuitable.  Some 5 year olds are unsuitable for that job.  Some adults are unsuitable for that job.  There is no shame learning from a child, or teaching a child to do a job.  I would call that Ageism.  Okay, I am getting off my soap box now.  

When using YouTube with children, it is wise to always be present or circling quickly.  YouTube doesn't allow you to block certain kinds of adds.  If you are using it for learning, you might have to make sure the child on the phone or Computer hasn't found a cute Play dough video and is off topic.  I try to use Technology for teaching purposes where the kids don't realize they are learning.   Play dough Princess is not the kind of learning I anticipated. 

Technology has it's place in all classroom, including Preschoolers.  Adults shouldn't stifle children, but encourage them to be their best in everyway. 

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