Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ohio DL Schools

What in the world is a DL School?
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It is a district learning school or an e-school.

I know most of you have seen or heard commercials about going to school

online for yourself or your child.
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Is that really a good idea?
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Great question!

I have decided to check out five of the better known Distant Learning

Schools in Ohio and give you my verdict.

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Here are the five schools I have chosen

Connections Academy


Ohio Virtual Academy

Virtual Community School of Ohio

As a result of my findings I would have to go with ECOT as an outstanding Yes.

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  • I was very impressed with the college opportunity for my potential children.  
  • Parents Right to be involved in child's education.
  • Family Night
  • Field trips
  • 7th-12th grade students have a possibility of earning 15 to 30 credits from Columbus Community College before actually graduating High School.  

For those who are unfamiliar with Columbus State, 

they have associates degree.  

An average associate program is roughly 64 credit hours, 

which means your child has the potential to complete a 

semester or an entire year of college for free.  

That sounds good on your wallet.
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My Least Favorite Online School would be Virtual School House.

The Website was not set up for potential students.

I couldn't find any testimonials.

It felt like they through a website together without thinking about the future.

It is an online school.  If the website can't be set up visually appealing or 

answer my questions on their website, 

how can they teach my child adequately online?
We are in a world of computers and internet, apps, and so on.

I don't want my child to learn antiquated ideas of the past, because 

it will not move them forward in the world they are in.

My husband and I are responsible for teaching our children values, courtesy, honesty, loyalty. 

School should prepare children for the world they are in.  And our world is online in many facets.  

I don't feel Virtual School is prepared to teach children for the real world.

I love graphs and charts, so here is my assessment of the 5 Schools via chart.

Ohio Connections
Virtual Schoolhouse ECOT Ohio Virtual Academy VCS
Clarity 5/5 2/5 5/5 3/5 4/5
Feel of Environment 3/5


Couldn't get one


FAQ Page Yes No None-However the whole website acts like a FAQ page and answered all of mine. Yes-I didn't like the FAQ, it wasn't remotely applicable. Yes, on college page it didn't work, but it worked on another page.
What I think Not appealing No Yes! No Maybe
Does it have College Credits Offered during High School? Yes Couldn't find any offered. Amazing College options!
15 credits-30 credits at
Couldn't find any. Yes -OCU

Feel free to let me know if you come to a different assessment. 

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