Monday, February 27, 2017

A Free Education Kahn/Koller Review

This week I was introduced to Salman Khan.  I know, I have never heard that name before either.

But he is making Math fun.  
Yes, I said making math fun.

There are two kind of people in the world 
Math People and non Math People.  

Sal Kahn takes a different approach.  He believes anyone can learn.  He starts at the ground and moves up.

I don't know about you, but I don't believe our educational system is helping children reach their full potential.

I don't blame it on the teacher.  She/He is given 30 children and told teach them the same so they can pass a test at the end of the year.

Children are not the same.  

Someone once said children are like snowflakes. 

I can live with that analogy. 

Kahn's goal is to give free knowledge for everyone, so they may understand and learn at their pace.


Adding and Subtracting is kid stuff!

I need help with fractions.
Or better yet, my teacher
says there is imaginary numbers.
Numbers are real how can
they be imaginary?

I went to Khan Academy and checked out their YouTube channel.  More than seven videos had been uploaded in the past day.  I found that very impressive.  Most websites are created and abandoned.  He is constantly learning more and creating new videos.

He doesn't restrict learning to school age kids.  He has videos that will help college age students as well.  He is about to get into Preschool academics as well.  I am looking forward
to these upcoming Preschool lessons.

I am sure my four and five-year-old's at work will enjoy the 'kindergarten' Math videos.  

Over all, I found Sal Khan very impressive.
I found Khan Academy amazing.
It almost makes me want to move to California and have my children in his school system.  I think any child in that
particular environment would excel.

I have a Math class coming up that I was hoping to do online.  I do believe I will be looking at Khan Academy for some assistance in the near future.  I find Khan easy to follow, interesting to listen to, and feel well informed 

after the videos are completed.

I love the way he has taken the initiative and had schools incorporate his lessons into their program.  It has really made a difference int he kids lives.  When learning is fun and easy, children want to try harder to learn.  I can't tell you how many times I wished I could have recorded my Math classes, so I could review lessons at home.  I didn't know anything about YouTube during those times.  That's probably because YouTube was founded the year I graduated from High School 2005.  Wow!  YouTube is only twelve years old!

One of the videos I watched said about 1.8 million students had worked on problems on the Khan Academy with the past 24 hours.  I would say he is definitely impacting the world and several students lives.

I can't tell you how many parents are relieved that Khan is helping their children with their homework, but I have a feeling it is over 6 million.

Okay, so after that amazing idea, what do you
have that's going to impress me.

What would you do if you could get a 

Education for free?

I know what you are thinking.  I don't have that kind of GPA.  

That was my first thought.  Lol!  
But after listening to Daphne Koller, 
I was left in amazement again.

If you took the time to watch the video I bet you are fired up and ready to sign up now.  I know I was.  So I decided to find some more information on this Free College education.

I have school bills out the wazoo!
And I was considering going back to school for an English or Writing degree.  Is this Free College my answer?

So does my current college accept Coursera credits?

I gave them a call and the woman I talked to said she had taken a few classes from Coursera.  She said that there is a paper that I can fill out called Prior Learning and there is a possibility the class might count.  That also means there is a possibility it wont.

Let's say it doesn't count.
I have already learned the material
and it should be a much easier class.
So no harm there.
It didn't cost me any added money.
I was able to learn something new which helps prevent
dementia.  All and all a win/win.

Now from looking at this website 

I am most definitely intrigued.
I think I am starting to see a Creative Writing class in my future.

It has a lot more than English.

Now for the best part!  Coursera has an app!  Lol, okay maybe that isn't the best part.  However, I am always 
excited to find an app to a loved website.  

While I was checking out Coursera the website was up and down for maintenance.  I am not familiar enough with the 
website to know if this normal or not.

Here is a list of some colleges
that partner with Coursera:

  • California Institute of Technology
  • Duke University
  • The Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Rice University
  • The University of California,San Francisco
  • The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • The University of Washington
  • The University of Virginia
  • University of Edinburgh in Scotland
  • The University of Toronto and EPF Lausanne

I love that the classes have peer grading.
I think I can definitely learn this way.
The problem with some classes is that you learn and the test
doesn't show that you have learned.
This online school can pinpoint your misconception in some classes.
I like that about Coursera.

I don't think Coursera is harder or easier
than any other online classes.
You still have to set aside time to study,
learn the material, write papers, and take test.
Those are the same things you do on an online class.
They say that online classes are harder than classes
you sit through, so it depends what you are
comparing the class to.

 If all colleges in the future accept certificates from Coursera,
I think it would be cheaper for everyone,
have less financial stress.
People might be more likely to be more
responsible financially.
A lot of people my age say they are already $40,000 in debt who cares about a $2,000 credit card in the scheme of things.
If their education was free,
the other debt might be more significant.

My imaginary children are going to be

well educated between Kahn Academy and Koller's Coursera.

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